Focus on function

With practice changes taking place over the past few years, the team at Rehabilitation Physicians, PC turned to Rehmann for trusted guidance.
“We recognized we had an opportunity to decide, ‘What do we want for the future?’ and Rehmann has been a tremendous help throughout this process,” said Dr. Dennis A. Bandemer, Jr., DO, who joined the practice in 2006. “Between the staffing decisions and the accounting decisions we had to make, and so many other things – we had people leaving for different reasons and then the COVID-related issues and funding that was available – having Rehmann help us then and currently has been so beneficial.”
Creating an experience and nurturing the patient-provider relationship is incredibly important to the practice – patients know they aren’t just a number. Quality interactions – not quantity/patient volume – is at the heart of what they do.
“We focus on that relationship,” said Dr. Bandemer. “That’s the approach I’ve always taken. As I was going through my [medical school] training, I would hear how certain doctors talked with their patients. Sadly, there are a lot of doctors who are arrogant or think they are above others. I try to help my patients understand what is going on and not talk down to them – we talk at the same level. That’s what drives me when I see patients.”
How Rehmann empowers him to enjoy his life to the fullest
Dr. Bandemer is the proud dad of four kids – he has a 20-year-old daughter, 18-year-old son, 15-year-old daughter, and 13-year-old stepdaughter. He, his wife, and their kids enjoy vacations together.
“Family has always been important to me.” He chose his medical field and specialty because he knew that it would allow greater flexibility and be a bit more predictable compared to other medical specialties. “I always wanted to be there for my family and be an involved father and be at whatever event they had.”
Rehmann’s partnership with his practice gives him peace of mind.
“We’ve got a great group of staff internally, but our external resources – including Rehmann – are extremely helpful to us, and to me. I know I can reach out, especially during COVID. We had some weekend and evening meetings, Zoom calls … Sandy [Shecter] and her team have been great about being available when we need it. That helps alleviate some stress.”
How Rehmann continues to help the practice
With practice changes taking place over the past few years, the physicians have turned to Rehmann for trusted guidance.
“Most of what we have going for us is good, but we recognized we had an opportunity to decide, ‘What do we want for the future?’ Rehmann has been a tremendous help throughout this process.”
Other big changes for the practice
“Our practice administrator had decided to take another job, and he had been our practice administrator for 10 years,” Dr. Bandermer said. “So, we were going through another transition with that.”
At that time, Dr. Bandemer also had recently taken over the role of president of the practice.
“We realized we needed to call on Rehmann even more so … Some of the discussions we had were trying to make some decisions – how do we replace what this specific person brought to the practice? Rehmann helped so we could focus on running a medical practice,” he said.
Rehmann services include HR and accounting solutions. The help and reassurance Rehmann provides are extremely valuable to the practice.
“For the transition with our administrator, my biggest initial concern was we have a lot of processes in place, we’ll be fine, but from a financial standpoint I wanted to be sure we’d be fine, that bills were paid, and someone was looking at the expenses and revenue. All of this is what Rehmann was doing and continues to do – the day-to-day office staff stuff. I know we’re going to be OK. It’s nice someone has our back to watch all that stuff – Sandy [Shecter] and her team are very confident we’re going to be fine. It’s nice to have that. Nine of our physicians are owners, and we all have a stake. Some of us have more of a business mind than others, but none of us – that’s not what our skill set is, the business aspect of running a practice. Having Rehmann have our back helps us decide what we need to do to keep the practice running as efficiently as possible.”