Employee Benefit Plan Audits
Is your employee benefit plan getting the audit attention it needs?
The health of your employee benefits plan is important to the health of your business. One component of this is your plan’s annual financial statement audit. At Rehmann, our highly experienced auditors and consultants provide independent comprehensive audits of plans that help companies of all sizes meet their annual Form 5500 filing requirements.
Our assurance services include:
- Reliability assessment of your plan’s financial statement
- Insights on areas of risk within your plan
- Proactive advising on opportunities beyond the audit scope
- Education for you throughout the process
We can also assist with the preparation of the Form 5500 as a separate engagement through our extended network.

Efficient audits by experienced professionals
Our process enables exceptionally efficient audits with minimal interruptions for you. Using an approach based on risk assessment and system analysis, we gain a deep understanding of your plan and tailor our services to meet your specific needs. All testing is scaled to an appropriate level, and we work diligently to minimize duplication of work.
This is achieved through substantial executive involvement throughout your engagement. Our most experienced professionals leverage their years of knowledge — and our greater network of experts — to plan and implement your audit.
We stay ahead of developments that impact you
Rehmann is an active member of the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center (the “Center”). The Center provides timely information and updates relating to employee benefit plans such as technical issues, DOL news and guidance, Form 5500 filing tips, IRS initiatives, and training opportunities.
Rehmann audits all types of benefit plans, including 401k, 403b, defined benefit, and more.
We’re here to help.
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