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Why Your Healthcare Practice Needs to Prioritize Cybersecurity and Technology 

August 8, 2024

Contributors: Brian Young

In the age of modern medicine, leveraging technology is essential to any medical practice’s success. Leveraging technology is not just about investing in the latest medical devices to expand your care offerings; it plays a crucial role in everything from delivering a positive patient experience to protecting sensitive patient data.  

With the rapid advancements in healthcare technology, knowing when and where to make upgrades in your practice is a crucial part of your decision-making role. We’ll explore key areas in your healthcare practice that can benefit from practical technology enhancements and explain why these improvements are essential. 

Securing the Integrity of Patient and Practice Data 

Healthcare providers hold some of an individual’s most sensitive information, including their medical records, payment and health insurance details, and personal information like Social Security numbers, addresses, emails, and phone numbers. Using technology can help you stay HIPAA-compliant and maintain the integrity of both patient and practice data. 

How can I Maintain Data Integrity with Technology? 

There are several ways to secure patient and practice data with technology. These include: 

  • Encrypting all Protected Health Information (PHI) during transmission and storage. 
  • Maintaining an accurate record of who accesses PHI with unique I.D.’s for all medical professionals in your practice.  
  • Using HIPAA-compliant software that automatically logs off during inactivity to prevent unauthorized users from accessing PHI. 

However, as Steve Alder, editor-in-chief of The HIPAA Journal, reminds readers in a 2023 article, commonly used communication channels such as SMS and email are not HIPAA-compliant for sharing PHI because copies of these messages remain on servers over which the providers have no control.  

Protect Patient Data with Cybersecurity and by Recognizing Cyber Threats 

With the increasing threat that cyberattacks pose on organizations of all sizes and in every industry, it is essential to adopt security measures that address potential vulnerabilities. This includes antivirus and cybersecurity software for computers, access controls for your staff, and employee training to recognize cyber-attacks such as phishing attempts.  

Adopting cybersecurity protocols, such as the ones listed, reduce the risk of sensitive patient and practice data falling into unauthorized hands. 

Using a Secure Email Domain to Conduct Communications 

To mitigate the security risks associated with using a personal Gmail, AOL, MSN, or Yahoo email domain for official practice communications, use a secure practice email domain for all email communications with patients and providers. Personal email accounts do not have HIPAA-compliant security measures that adequately protect patient PHI.  

Practice-specific email domains, on the other hand, can be configured to comply with HIPAA standards and will increase the level of trust your practice has with patients because your email communications are sent from as opposed to or 

Effectively Using Electronic Medical Records  

For over 10 years, Electronic medical records (EMRs) have been mandated for all public and private healthcare providers. There are numerous advantages of EMRs, but ultimately, they are a valuable resource that medical professionals have at their disposal to provide better patient care. 

For healthcare practices, there are two options available to store, maintain, and access EMRs: 

1. In-House Electronic Health Record (EHR) System 

This approach involves maintaining your dedicated server, software, and security infrastructure. An in-house EHR system offers complete control over patient data and ensures that records are accessible only to authorized personnel.  

This option requires a significant initial investment to purchase and set up the infrastructure and continued resources to update and maintain the system routinely. The costs of managing an in-house system can be substantial, particularly for smaller practices. 

2. Cloud-Based EHR Providers 

With this option, patient data is saved on the servers of a third-party EHR provider who manages the platform used to access these records. Additionally, the EHR provider is responsible for the platform’s cybersecurity measures, reducing your burden.  

Cloud-based EMRs are typically subscription-based, becoming a recurring cost providers budget for. You also avoid significant up-front costs and the need to hire and train dedicated IT staff to maintain the server.  

Implementing Electronic Medical Records at Your Practice 

If your practice doesn’t currently use EMRs, cloud-based EMRs might be more appealing because they have lower startup costs than setting up an on-site server and the infrastructure needed for quick access. 

Each EHR provider offers different features and pricing, so it is essential to research various options to find one that aligns with your practice’s short-and long-term objectives. 

Improving the Patient Experience with Technology 

At the end of the day, patients are consumers, and if they do not have a positive experience with your practice, they are likely to seek care elsewhere. On top of providing excellent medical care, it is crucial to offer them a satisfying experience, from scheduling their first visit to paying the bill. 

Ensuring these processes are straightforward and patient-friendly increases the likelihood of patients recommending your practice to others. Here are some key areas to focus on to improve the patient experience: 

Online Patient Portal 

An online patient portal can significantly enhance your patients’ experience by allowing them to: 

  • Easily schedule appointments 
  • Chat with their doctor for quick answers  
  • View and pay their bill for services provided 
  • Access personal health information securely 

There are numerous providers of patient portal software, so be sure to research the cost and benefits of each to ensure you choose the right one for your practice and patients. 


It’s no secret that in recent years telemedicine has increased in popularity. This is due in large part to factors such as the increasing convenience it provides both patients and doctors — and the reduced risk of transmission when your patients have a condition that is contagious.  

While you may be familiar with telemedicine platforms such as Amwell and Athena Health, you may be less certain if telemedicine is right for your practice based on the type of care you provide, your patients’ access to reliable high-speed internet, or other critical factors.  

Determining the effectiveness of telemedicine for your practice involves considering important factors. These include:  

  • Identifying the specific needs of your patients and the nature of the treatments you offer. If your practice primarily involves procedures or hands-on diagnostics, telemedicine might not be the best fit.  
  • Assessing whether your patients at large have access to reliable internet and a technology platform to actively participate in virtual visits.  
  • Understanding how telemedicine will integrate into your current patient workflow, scheduling, billing, and record-keeping processes. 
Improving the Patient Experience with Technology 

By embracing convenient patient-facing tools, you can significantly improve patient satisfaction and enhance the overall quality of care. This benefits your patients by providing a smoother experience and positions your practice for long-term success in a competitive healthcare environment. 

Improving Your Healthcare Practice with Technology 

Embracing technology in your healthcare practice can boost both the quality of care you offer and the efficiency of your operations. When you have patients to tend to daily, it can be challenging and time-consuming to research and decide which technological upgrades will make the most significant difference for your practice.

Partnering with an experienced, unbiased technology advisor is a great way to start. Rehmann’s team of technology and healthcare experts can help you enhance the technical side of your practice and its financial and operational performance. 


Discover how Rehmann can support your practice’s success. For more information, contact us at [email protected].